Class Index
Represents a Rectangular area with x,y coordinates as well as width,
and height.
Some Font style constants
Some Font weight constants
This Content simply prints out the current frames per second.
Draws an image into the Scene.
Groups some content together.
LoadingScene Loads a given set of assets.
A Path builder which can be used to draw pretty much any shape.
Describes an x and y coordinate.
Draws a rectangle into the Scene.
Rotate's a group around a given pivot point.
A Scene represents the root level of content within a Stage.
SceneContent represents any object which can be placed in the
"content" field of any group node of a Scene.
Loads some audio or sound into the Scene.
The Stage function creates a new Stage and returns it.
Text Draws some text on the Stage.
Some Text Alignment Constants.
Some Text Baseline Constants.